Our New History & Mystery Blog 

@ https://www.mysticmask.co.uk/

And Charles E S Fairey's & Vincent Reed's Website

@ https://apotropaicethiopia.wordpress.com/

 We are based in South Cheshire, and visit mysterious sites across the UK, 

documenting them in Art and Poetry. 

We do go further afield though, into Shropshire, Staffordshire, 

Derbyshire and also the majestic Forest of Dean!

We research historic sites, myths, folklore, magical places, ghosts and people.

We are also avid practitioners of the Occult, Paganism, Ritualism, Qabala, 

Shamanism, Traditional Witchcraft, Folk Magic, Gnosticism, Christianity, 

Freemasonry, Druidism, Chaos Magic, etc - Whatever Our Souls Enjoy!


We often celebrate festivals throughout the year, and learn all about the 

mysteries of this World and the Next, through Ascension.


The following pages document some of the sites we visit with artwork 

and rhyme, and also some of our philosophies, putting our 

'mindscapes' and 'dreamtime' into poetry and artwork.


You will also find some Artwork Pages, The Sacred Repository 

containing favourite quotes, and some we have dreamed up ourselves, 

as well as Ghosts caught on film, and Festivals, with rhyme and photos.

We also like to write articles about magical and mysterious things, 

so make sure you check out our History & Mystery Section, too!

For more History Articles please see Charlie's History Page @ https://sites.google.com/site/charlesfaireyhistorian,

and also our new History & Mystery Blog

@ https://www.mysticmask.co.uk/.

We also love documenting our experiences with videos, 

so make sure you check our YouTube Feed, 

as well as photos, so please check our Flickr Site, too!

Their are many links to our videos and photos, see link tabs, 

as well as websites of friends and those we find interesting!


 Please Have A Browse and most importantly, Enjoy !!!

"May The Light Within You SHINE !!!!"



Mike and Charlie

Welcome to The Mystic Masque, "The Veiled Mystic Mask", a group that researches 

all that their hearts find, which is mystical and magical in their surroundings.


If you read the poetry upon this website, please do not read it 

as if I wrote it, but in the vein of Poet Laureate Ted Hughes direction, 

that, Every Poem Is A Shamanic Prayer To Yourself, 

i.e. I wrote it, but You Read It As If You Wrote It, 


my worlds I have lived through and share with you, whether physical, spiritual, soulistic, or metaphysical, etc, 

Will help you see the Majestic, and make you think, 

SEEK and YOU Shall FIND!

Charles E S Fairey

Charles E S Fairey's poetry has been published in magazines, on the internet, and in anthologies.

He has written around 800 poems on a variety of subjects, along with artwork to accompany some.

Also he is a published local historian.


Please see all his Publications 



Many are available freely to read online, or download.

He loves all knowledge, from the Occult, the Supernatural, Ghosts, Religious histories and hypothesis, Mythology and Mysteries to History;

Local, Family (ancestral), folklore and Archaeological; and most Poetry, Prose, Lyrics and Fiction.

His magical activities he likes to sum up by:

"Solve & Coagulate

Learn & Associate"

His History Website:

Charles Fairey - Historian Website Link: 


Michael C Oakes

Michael C Oakes is an antiques, collectables and curios dealer, and he is an avid collector himself. Born and bred in a little rural village on the outskirts of Nantwich, Cheshire. 

He is also known by his pseudonym 'Jarl'. He says that it was given to him in jest by an old Heathen (Norse Pagan) friend. 'Jarl' translates from Old Norse as 'earl'. 

In his spare time he is an artist, poet, photographer and craftsman. His artwork can be described as unique and unusual. His first published poem can be seen in the anthology 'Homage to Cheshire'.

As well as making pottery, from clay he digs himself and fires in a fire pit, he also involves himself in many other craft projects.


Michael is also a Pagan and a trained experienced practitioner of Folk Witchcraft. Which is a modern term for folk magic, charms and customs, in the tradition of conjurors, charmers, healers and the cunning folk of Britain.


His praxis also includes herbalism, ancestor veneration and hedge riding (from the Anglo-Saxon 'haegtessa'). His interests include history, hiking, archaeology, the paranormal, the occult, wildcrafting, wine making, nature, zombies and video games.

He also loves gardening, and has spent a lot of quality time attending to his plants, making his own stone circle, herb garden, and rearing the flora of the Earth.

He is a devoted husband to his Wife, Jess, and his three children; and three step-children; Jake, Drew and Aydan; and Alex, Poppy and Daisy.


His Art Website:

Jarl of the Oak - Artist and Cunning Man

Website Link:


"Chamber of Reflection"

The Chaotic Supremo: A Triptych

We are happy to accept Commissions for Poetry, History Research or Artwork 

( maybe even a tattoo design ? ), to discuss please contact us 

@ themysticmasque@gmail.com

 Copyright Notice

All the poems, prayers, quotes, artwork, photographs and history articles, written, drawn, painted or taken, that appear on this website (unless otherwise stated) are the work of Charles E S Fairey or Michael C Oakes, and are their copyright.

Any photographs or videos which appear on our Flickr Site or YouTube Channel are also our copyright, (unless otherwise stated).

The rights of the author / poet / artist / photographer / cinematograther to these works has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act.

All rights reserved. None of the material featured on this website which is the work of C.E.S. Fairey or M.C. Oakes, or on the associated Flickr Site or YouTube Channel, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author / poet / artist / photographer.

If you wish to make a link to any of the material we hold the copyright of,  you must ask permission to use, and link those links back to this Website, with prior approval.

© Charles E S Fairey 2008-2024

© Michael C Oakes 2008-2024