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The Birth Of Dark: The Autumn Equinox

by Charles E S Fairey

I am the balance

Yet the birth of the ruling night

Yet the dying of the light,

From this day forth

I am the Year of the Dark,

This day, my King is born

The hardy Holly,

And come the Solstice of the Dark

The crescendo of my utter night,

And from my throne in the dark, I rejoice,

The Holly marries his Lunar bride

And my berries grow from my flowers

And my leaves ascend to the sky

The birds and the beasts, spread my kin

And I go into the sun’s rays,

When my brother is born;

My brother’s birth comes at my death,

And the Oak King is born,

For we two, are the balance,

And my friend, the Green Christ,

Is born to bring truth and love

At the height of my power;

To show that I am much to the World,

For my evergreen and thorns, are eternal and mighty;

For I am Below and Above

Yet I am the balance:

Yours Mabon and the Holly.