The Wizard's Well
The Wizard’s Well
by Charles E S Fairey
The Wizard’s Well or Merlin's Well (or spring) runs down a rocky outcrop in the woods of Alderley Edge (Cheshire) to be collected in a small stone trough. Inscribed on the rock-face above, along with a three dimensional carving of Merlin's Head, is
"Drink of this and take thy fill
For the water falls by the Wizhard's will."
In a wooded cliff faced glade
Copper and iron bleached rock about,
A well with ‘Wizhard’ inscribed
Where beneath his great warriors hide.
Twisted oak at its entrance
Silver birch, beech and holly hanging over,
With holy water trickling down
Over the Wizard’s carved head and frown.
Creeping moss and lichen growing
All over the rock around,
Modern graffiti words and names
Schoolboy’s immortally carved dames.
A holy well of Great Wizard
A sacred site to some,
Incense and rites performed
Their magical knowledge transformed.
Here we come to collect
The mystical waters of Wizard,
To use in our sacred ceremonies
In our own druidic sanctuaries.
The inscription the Wizard’s song
The great Sorcerer’s own tongue,
This water blessed when incantation recited
Its magical ore filled qualities ignited,
“Come and take thy Fill
For this is The Wizard’s Well.”
Wizard's Well Photos