Free From Entombed
Free From Entombed
by Charles E S Fairey
For we became free from the deadly entombed
The ghost of the womb us it has not consumed
For we saw the God of the desolate thrones
When we became after the land of the mortal bones,
We embraced the shroud of the Holy Mother
When she became the concubine of our Holy Lover
For before our destiny was created we saw the sign
The Secrets and the tokens and the symbols of hand thine,
For before our birth from the great mother of the hosts
We designed our destiny until the ends of Death’s ghosts,
For after we were the sky gods of the future’s past
But at birth became the Son of Man, the first and the last,
For as the God of heavenly abode infinite night
We allowed the immortal secret of the goddess of the light
To bore us from the freedom of infinite pain
Into this world where torture comes after as rain
For when her legs open the flood flows
And what we were from mind into blood never knows,
And from our Holy Ghost host the Holy Spirit lives
And the Goddess from heavenly conception to her son the life she gives,
The secret of the hosts within the earthly womb
The crisis from Goddess, have from her now untombed,
And the flesh of her lies no longer entombes
And now the destiny our souls weaved on the looms,
Our child now has to evade the temptations of the dooms
So he knows that he shall never ever be one with the dead amongst the tombs
But desolate as the rest that were born
And from a world of constants torn
For the love of the goddess enticed him here
Yet where he is consumed by life, death is near
But saviour of the son of man with the signs
And weave your unborn God into the ascendant times,
Listen to the inside you wore to show you the true path
To keep your soul upon the destiny you created,
As if each day you are a babe within the watery bath
And each succession of rebirth leaves your new life elated,
And whilst in the realm of the desolation of the individual
Your trust in another and start the cycle ever so essential,
And throughout the moment of the healing of the separation
You realise that you are now God the desolateness illumination,
And all the moments that take you back to that which was forgotten
Really was the entombed host and what you yourself had begotten,
For the cycle of the soul is a chain of infinity
And what you are in the womb, the life, binds you for eternity,
So remember once you were with the Holy Ghost
And you the Holy Spirit became the desolate host,
For the Goddess loved you till the very end
And you listened to the signs and symbols and now ascend,
For we became free from the deadly entombed
And by the womb of the goddess we were not consumed.
Birth - Life - Death Cycle